Safety Instructions

DI’s Safety Instructions

It is important to have a clear decision structure in case of a crisis. In DI, that is handle by a crisis management and a safety team.

The crisis management is convened if an incident occurs of such a character or to such an extent that DI employees, members, guests and tenants as well as DI’s daily routines and image are under threat.

The safety team in DI are responsible for solving all problems that occur in connection with incidents in DI. The safety team initiate handling of the incident through the digital platform in order to ensure a safe handling of the incident. The safety team is in charge of the direct coordination together with the on-site commander from the fire brigade, medics, police or other authorities.

In case of an incident, such as evacuation, the safety team and their assistants will be on the site and they are easily recognizable, as they will be wearing yellow waistcoats.

1.  Fire alarm in Industriens Hus
If the alarm is activated, you must leave the building immediately and go direct to Axel Torv across the street. To ensure that all persons leave the building as quickly as possible it is important to use the nearest exit.

It is your duty to be aware of where to find the nearest exit as well as placement of fire extinguisher and pressure alarm. Fire and evacuation plans can be found at all exit signs. At all exits, such as doors and stairs, you can find a green exit sign. Do not use the lift to leave the building. If you are in the lift when the alarm is activated, it will automatically descend to the ground floor.

Please be sure that all colleagues leave the building. In DI’s meeting center on 0-Ambition and 1-Balance it is the meeting leader’s duty to ensure that all participants in the meeting leave the building. All must immediately go to Axel Torv.

1. In case of fire in the house, it is dangerous to be near the big glass façade
2. The fire brigade must have unhindered access to the main entrance.

Some tenants may have their own instruction for an assembly point, and if so, please follow the instruction.

When to return to the building
The safety team will inform you when to re-enter the building safely, and/or when the red lamp above the main entrance stops flashing.

2.  Bomb threats in Industriens Hus
If you receive a bomb threat against Industriens Hus, contact the guard immediately on phone 3016 6530. The guards are trained in how to handle bomb threats and will instigate a strictly prepared emergency plan.

If it is decided to evacuate Industriens Hus in connection with a bomb threat, the safety team will send out an email and a text message with the wording: There is a bomb threat against Industriens Hus. We evacuate the building.  Please go the Axel Torv and wait for further instructions. Make sure that all your colleagues leave the building immediately.

In DI’s meeting center on 0-Ambition and 1-Blance all meeting participants will be informed by the service staff and it is the meeting leader’s duty to ensure that all participants in the meeting leave the building.

When to return to the building
The safety team will inform you when to re-enter the building safely.

3.  Demonstrations at Industriens Hus
If Industriens Hus is subject to demonstrations, the guards and employees at the front desk will be observant should the demonstration turn into a threatening direction. If necessary, the main entrance to Industriens Hus will be locked, and DI’s safety team will be convened to assist in controlling the situation.

The safety team will call the police and brief them about the situation. Subsequently the safety team will send out an email and a text message with the wording: There is a demonstration at Industriens Hus. The main entrance is locked to protect employees and guests. You will be notified when the doors are re-opened.

In DI’s meeting center on 0-Ambition and 1-Balance the service staff will inform all meeting leaders of the situation. When it is safe to enter or leave the building the safety team will send out an email and a text message with the wording: The entrance to Industriens Hus is re-opened.

Share your experience
The safety team currently improve the safety in DI, and they will pleased to receive any feedback and proposals on best practice to secure the persons present in the house in case of fire, terror threats or demonstrations.

You may send your comments to us on [email protected]

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